Technical Philippines

SAMSUNG Transparent TV

When in comes to technology, there is no question that Samsung had given us a lot of new things in life. and continuously  offer and unconditional devotion in giving us the best in life that we could have.

SAmsugn transparent TV

Just recently, Samsung, a world technology giant just offer another unbelievable device that will truly wow you.

Samsung made a see-through transparent TV, and according to them, even if it is transparent, it does not sacrifice visual quality with a broader color gamut, higher contrast ratio, 1 ms refresh rate, and low power consumption, it is powered by OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode ), and according to them was four times transparent than other competitors, about 40% more transparent, competitors uses LCD display (Liquid Crystal Display).
additionally, this TV is not just a plain transparent TV, it was a Smart TV that you can connect in the internet, do things like the computer did and make an awesome experience.

with this, you can actually do a lot of thing with transparent display, just like any regular glass, make it a glass cover for paintings, pictures, window(uses with precaution haha), or put it in front of a mirror and make a ghost display to scare your guess but that’s not a good idea with people with mental disorder and heart disease.

so, are you now thinking of buying this TV?, dont worry we can still have more time to save before its official lunch day, and with the intense competition there is in the market, more variety and choices will be given to the consumer.